Drilling Services to National & International Companies
Drilling campaigns from 400 to 2000 meters, on the III and IV regions, remarking Andacollo, Incahuasi, Mina California, Talhuen, Illapel, Salamanca, Sotaqui, Pejerreyes, Teresita, Ovalle with Delta Project and last Quilitapia with Suez mine, over 10,000 meters Surface drilling.
Drilling campaign, geology mapping and samples on Corral Quemado Districts, La Liga, Los Loritos & Quebrada Las cañas, 5,000 meters of Surface diamond drilling.
Preparation and Trace of platforms and access roads for drilling campaign, maping, sampling and evaluation of mineral reserves on Pucará Prospect, Vicuña commune, 3,000 meters diamond drilling.
Geological prospect in Los Choros, trace, execution of access roads and platforms for diamond drill program. Over 3.000 meters.
Two drilling campaigns for evaluation of lapislázuli quality in open sky mine, over 4.000 meters.
Drilling campaign for evaluation of reserves for Little copper mines in IV region, estimated 2.000 meters.
Evaluation program of reserves. Program over 3.000 meters of diamond drilling underground mine on production.
Underground mine drilling program on Manto Grande Skarn deposit. Program of 2.000 meters of diamond drill to 3.500 meters high, on sky open mine.
Underground mine Drilling program, over 3.000 meters, on radial fan system.
Dos programas de sondajes desde interior mina Tambor con sistema en abanico. Sobre mil metros de perforación diamantina – Distrito Talcuna IV Región
Three drilling programs in Cinabrio y Fortune mines, Punitaqui district IV region. 1.000 meters of diamond drill and reserves evaluation.
Evaluation of mining properties and underground mine drilling program in Quebrada Las Cañas – Talcuna district IV region.
Program of 1.000 meters diamond drill, for evaluation of metamorphic terrain with gold in Canela district – IV region.
Diamond drill program on “Candelaria Auriferous Proyect” of Yanta – III region. 1.000 meters of drilling, for evaluation of geophysical anomalies.
Underground mine execution program of diamond drilling fan system in Cinabrio, developing and search stages for economical reserves.
Surface mine drilling program in Los Azules District (III region), gap intersection of copper – Mo – Au – U, and economical reserves search.
Surface drilling program in Pastos Largos district (III region), irregular bodies intersection of copper oxides and sulfides, economical reserves search.
Surface drilling program on IOCG deposit Manto Verde district on geophysics targets, 5 thousand meters.
Surface and underground drilling program on execution with 3 drill rigs, 35 thousand meters on mineralized bodies on calc-silicate of Cu & Fe (IOCG).
Surface drilling holes until one thousand meter son diameters HQ & NQ on porphyry copper deposit, IV region, 15 thousand meters.
Surface drilling program with 3 drill rigs on districts Condoriaco, Lambert & Talcuna IV region, 15 thousand meters.
Drilling campaign with drill holes until one thousand meter on diameter NQ, 5 hundred meter on HQ, with two drill rigs BB-20, on Combarbalá IV region, 20 thousand meters.
Drilling program of 25 thousand meters, with 2 drill rigs BB-20, and 1 Onram-1000, on Vallenar, Alto del Carmen province, III region.
Underground mine drilling program, 5 thousand meters, with fan method (negative and positive degrees of drilling in the same position inside the stockade), III region, Tierra Amarilla.
Bellavista Parcela 17 Sitio 11, La Serena, Chile.
Fono / Fax: +56 051 2 578 749
Leopoldo Martínez Hárfagar: +56 9 9703 3169
Leopoldo Martínez Lúgaro: +56 9 4254 8780
geosupply@123.cl / l.martinez@geosupply.cl / sondajes@geosupply.cl
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